Monday, April 4, 2016

2016 Q1 Goals Review

So, I'm trying to better account for my goal progress as the year goes on.  Below, I've copy/pasted the goals I set for myself in 2016 with how I'm doing at the quarter-point.

2016 Goals

1) Run 1000 miles: I'm sure my mileage will drop this year.  No marathon training plus a kid that I want to spend as much time with as I can will mean the time I put into running will go down.  I don't know if this goal is going to be super easy, super hard, or just right.  So I'm going to go with just right and wing it.

297 miles through the end of March at a 7:58 pace.  I'm on track for just under 1200 miles and are 44 miles ahead of the rate I'd need to get 1000.  The biggest thing I've been surprised about is the pace.  I've been doing a lot more regular speed work, but even my long runs have been dropping.

2) 20 minute 5k: I've had this goal in the back of my head for a long time.  It has been a long time since I've specifically trained for a 5k.  I plan on making 2016 the year of the 5k.  I'll probably run a half (Thanksgiving), but I'm not going to make it a centerpiece of my running year.

I've already run more 5ks this year (3) than last year (2).  Two of them are my two fastest 5ks ever, but still 10 seconds slower than the 20 minute goal.  This is in reach, but will take more effort to get.

3) Peachtree Subseed Qualifier: I doubt I can accomplish this prior to registration in March, so I'll probably stick in A Wave this year.  However, if I can get the 20min 5k, this should follow along with it (subseed qual time last year was 20:14 for the 5k, 9 seconds faster than my time at Braves).

If wave qualifications stay about the same, my Hearts and Soles times SHOULD qualify me for the subseed wave for 2016 (WOOO!)  Last year, the cutoff was a 20:14 and I ran 20:10.  There's not a lot of room for error, but goal (possibly) accomplished.

4) Top 1000 Peachtree.  This was a goal I threw in a couple months before Peachtree last year.  I ended up around 1200th I believe.  I would have had to run about 30 seconds faster to get there.  I'll have to do more faster runs this year on actual hills, not just speed work at the river.

Nothing to report here, but I was seconds off of a 10k PR during one of my speed workouts at Ocee park, which I didn't even realize until after we were done.  That included all warmup and in-between-interval times.  Progress.

5) Run all of the ATC Grand Prix races...: This is more of a logistical goal than anything else.  Hopefully I can make the All Comers meet work out.

Still on track here, though there has only been two so far due to Peachtree City getting cancelled.

6) ...and finish top 3 in my age group for the Grand Prix: This will be a lot harder.  For those unfamiliar with the Grand Prix, you get 10 points for showing up at an event, 100 for winning your AG, 80 for second, yadda yadda.  I snagged 80 points at Resolution run and there are 4 or 5 more races that I can realistically expect to get into the top 5.  Third place last year was 360 points.  If there are 12 events, I will currently have 190 points (80 from Resolution + 110 from the other races), so I'll need to scrape together at least 150 bonus points from placement.

...and more on that.  PTC was one of the races I was counting on 40-60 points in Grand Prix standing points.  I'm in 4th right now, but there are a lot more races to go and a lot of fast runners out there.  I still like my chances if I can snag participation points everywhere, but this one will be close.

Water Drop Dash 5k and Publix Georgia (Half) Marathon

Water Drop Dash Stats/Goals

Distance: 5k
Location: Roswell, GA (Riverside)
Current PR: 20:10 (Hearts and Soles, Jan 2016)
90% Goal: 21:00
50% Goal: 20:30
10% Goal: 20:00

Result: 20:21 (

Publix Half Marathon Stats/Goals

Distance: Half Marathon
Location: Atlanta, GA
Goal: Successfully pace friend to her goal time (1:50)

Result: 1:48:47 (


I'm writing this a few weeks after the fact, and all I remember was a super busy weekend.  Water Drop was a 5k PR attempt that I wasn't too sure about.  Publix was the day after and was just a long fun shake out run pacing a friend.  While I missed a PR at the 5k, I still got second in my AG and had a blast at Publix the day after.

Water Drop Dash

This race popped onto my radar about three weeks out.  Two weeks out, I finally decided to sign up.  It was local and flat, so it had a lot going for it in terms of a PR race.  A few others from my local group were running, so it'd be a blast.

A couple days after I signed up, our 3-month-old brought home Montezuma's Revenge.  Fortunately, he was spared the brunt of it, but mom and dad were awfully sick for about 48 hours.  I'm not too sure how much this impacted the race (since it was 10 days or so out) but it certainly didn't help.

Race day rolled around.  Weather was supposed to be awful (rain forecasted) but it held off.  Weather was actually pretty ideal.  Organization at the event was fine.  I eyeball-guessed no more than 1000 people and the results had about 550.  What really stood out was the large contingent of middle-school runners.  The female 10-14 winner finished around 18:15 (!!!).

I started out a little too strong (~6:15 first mile).  By mile 2, I was still on pace for a 20:00 finish, but wasn't able to hold onto it much into mile 3.  I think the biggest thing I need to do is more long intervals.  When doing the speedwork at Ocee, I was able to do four 1milers at a 6:15 average.  It was certainly hard, but I should be able to  translate that better to a race.

I was a little disappointed at not hitting my big time, but, for how I felt going into it, I'm content with my performance.

Just before 1 mile, still loose and feeling OK
Around 2.5.  Form has gone to hell (left arm crossing over, right arm super tight), PR is already missed

Post-Race Bling!  All of us took home age group awards

Publix Georgia Half Marathon

Publix was the day after water drop.  I was pacing a friend through the race, so my only goal was to run easy and for my heart rate to reflect that.

Water Drop 5k

Publix Half

Heart Rate Success!
This was probably the most fun I have had at a race since last year's 10 Miler (where we had a group that ran the race really easy, only to run up Cardiac Hill as fast as we could to snag a super-cool mug).

We started out with the 1:50 pace group, but we ended up taking the early miles a bit faster and put them behind us.  I was trying to focus on keeping even pace and making sure we weren't going too fast.  I had a few spots where I couldn't stop myself from blazing down a hill, but that's just fun.

I don't think we slowed down much, but the front of the 1:50 group managed to catch us in the Georgia Tech area (about 3 miles to go) and I said something along the lines of "it's put up or shut up time", and we ended up powering down the last few hills.

Over the last mile, I was completely out of any kind of motivating things to say.  My friend was on pace for a PR (on a much more difficult course) and was completely out of her conversational range.  To keep her mind off things, I started reading every sign we passed.  Street signs, race signs, parking signs, you name it, it was free game.  At one point I said, "Look!  Parking only $10!"

Something must have worked, because we ended up closing the distance and finished with a completely unexpected PR which was completely awesome.

Down the stretch
Finish Bling

Women's 5k

The following weekend, Angelina did the Women's 5k (pushing the stroller, like a Boss.)  I'm not going to go too much detail (I didn't run or anything) but I will close with this: