Saturday, July 4, 2015

Race Report: AJC Peachtree Road Race

Distance: 10 km
Location: Lenox Mall to Piedmont Park, Atlanta, GA
Current PR: 44:05, (7/4/2014, AJC PRR, Atlanta GA)
90% Goal: 44:04
50% Goal: 43:00 (top 1000)
10% Goal: 42:00 (subseed qualifier)

Result: 44:01 (
Mile Splits: 

Rainy day, but a fun race.  I was a little disappointed in my performance, but it pointed out a hole in my training that I certainly knew about, but didn't do anything to change.

The day before the race, I woke up and did a normal, short/fast pre-race run.  I warmed up with an easy half mile, mile at race pace (ended up around 6:55) and a half mile to cool down.

Angelina came home from her morning run and we headed down to the Peachtree Expo.  As soon as we pulled up, it started pouring down rain (this would be the weekend's theme).  Despite my umbrella, my shoes and socks soaked all the way through.  Fortunately, it was the PRR Expo, so I could buy dry socks and just roll with it.

I was there for my first job as an ATC Ambassador.  Our primary job was to get people signed up as members with the track club and talk about the benefits of the organization.  I ended up spending a good bit of my time playing unofficial bouncer/photographer for the American elite team who was there for a meet and greet with people.

I woke up at 4:30, downed a Clif bar, threw on my gear, and drove down to North Springs MARTA. Since I didn't want to run with my handheld, I took a bottle of Gatorade with me which I nursed the hour before the race.

After getting off at Buckhead station, we got routed a different way from last year, which turned our half mile walk into a mile and a half.  It wasn't too bad, just irritating to listen to a couple people there half freaking out that we were lost and going to be late (despite the start being over an hour away).

Rain rolled in just as we were getting to the corral area, so we took shelter under an awning.  It came down pretty hard for about 20 minutes, but it subsided a bit before 7:00 when I took off to warm up.  I did about a mile total running around the later corrals just varying fast/slow.  Nothing too major.  After saying "hi" to friends in C, I proceeded to A and put myself about 4 deep from the front.

I forced myself to start a little slower than I went out last year.  It was comfortable, but still pushed.  It was the standard PRR start (blowing by a handful of people while a handful of others were blowing by me).  All of that stopped after the first mile or so.

I let my legs go on the early downhills.  I knew I would need to make up time there to make up for the later hills.  If anything, I think I need to take the early downhills faster in the future.

Cardiac wasn't too bad.  I wanted to stop by the time I got to the top, but didn't let myself.  The real slog was climbing up from the interstate overpass.  I ended up having to walk twice through midtown which probably cost me at least 30 seconds.  The rain came back and even got a bit heavy about when I passed 12th street.  I can't really say that it had much of an impact hitting that late.

I was able to gather myself and make a good push after the turn on 10th.  I knew in my head (and on my watch) that it was still a half mile to go at that point, but it always seems like the finish line should be so much closer.  I had a strong finish (last 1/4 was about a 6:00 pace).

Post Race
I must say, ATC *really* stepped its game up this year.  In the past, they had a large area fenced off where they had a photo booth and some food from Waffle House.  Not bad, but nothing to write home about.

This year, they rented out Park Tavern, which is a restaurant right on Piedmont Park. In addition to the standard post-race food, they were handing out beer tickets and had a large tented area which was perfect for the rain.  I got to stand around under cover while all my running friends and trainees streamed in.

I'm not completely sure how it completely dropped off my radar, but I did very little of my own training at speed in hilly conditions.  I ran on hills plenty, but most of my long/hilly runs have been when I'm doing the run-lead thing, so I wasn't running at the pace I needed to prepare myself.

I'm pleased with my performance, but not overly happy.  I thought I could shave a minute off (or at least break a 7:00 pace), but that will have to wait for another race.  I missed top 1000 by about 40 seconds.

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